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Most of you are
probably unrawae
of moore's Mast
er Plan designe
d by he and his
fish-eyed fake-a
ctivist ex-wife,
Elaine Weiss. We
iss had done wor
k for the Clinto
n campaign back
in the day and h
ad been rewarded
a HHS Regional p
ost here in Chic
ago. After quick
ly realizing she
was in over her
head, Weis resig
ned and started
working for vari
ous Hillary Clin
ton publicity in
itiatives, with
the hope of a le
ss-stressful pos
t in DC , under
a planned Presid
ent or Vice Pres
ident Hillary Cl
inton. Moore cou
ld then tag alon
g and score some
nebulous social
political positi
on without any r
eal responsibili
ty or required c
ompetence (he's
not very bright)
. He has been tr
ying to build a
reputation as a
champion of the
oppressed , incl
uding geese and
the impoverished
of his neighborh
ood, gallantly b
attling the Chi
cago political m
achine (which e
veryone in DC th
inks is corrupt)
. If Rogers Park
were to actually
develop, the new
residents would
quickly see thro
ugh him and boot
him out of offic
e, hence his nee
d to keep the op
pressed under hi
s control. His w
ard is simply a
stepping stone f
or higher aspira
tions. Unfortuna
tely, Hillary ha
s been marginali
zed, leaving fis
h-eyes and moore
out of luck, and
Moore out of a p
ath to Washingto
n. The ward is s
tuck with him un
til they wake up
and smell the po
tential value of
the neighborhood
. Guys: Wake up
and smell the Fo
ie Gras!