
Melanie,I finally was able to ready your blog and see ALL the aainmzg photos you took. THANK YOU so much for being a part of my life and I cannot tell you how much you inspired me with your beauty and your faith to do what you felt you needed to do in your life. You not only thought about it and talked about a change, but you actually did it! I was there with you and yet your entry and your feelings touched me like the I was learning about Guatemala for the first time. Can't wait for our paths to cross again. Love to you .Debbie
Melanie,I finall
y was able to re
ady your blog an
d see ALL the aa
inmzg photos you
so much for bein
g a part of my l
ife and I cannot
tell you how muc
h you inspired m
e with your beau
ty and your fait
h to do what you
felt you needed
to do in your li
fe. You not only
thought about it
and talked about
a change, but yo
u actually did i
t! I was there w
ith you and yet
your entry and y
our feelings tou
ched me like the
I was learning a
bout Guatemala f
or the first tim
e. Can't wait f
or our paths to
cross again. Lo
ve to you .Debbi