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What does this h
ave to do with Y
outube?This is a
typical petnat b
attle, where som
e little company
is trying to cau
se enough of a h
assle for Micros
oft to buy them
out, which it ca
n do from petty
cash, or from th
is week's sales
of Word. The on
ly reason they h
aven't is becaus
e they don't wan
t to cause a pre
cedent.It'll dra
g through court
for years, until
either the littl
e guy gives up o
r Microsoft buys
them out.And by
the way, this is
n't about copyri
ght infringement
, it's a petnat
case, similar bu
t completely dif
ferent. It invo
lves the underly
ing basis of Wor
d, not just maki
ng a copy of som
ebody's music.
And in any event
, YouTube has be
en fairly rigoro
us about enforci
ng copyright in
the last few yea
rs. Really, the
situations are t
otally unrelated