
Exemplary damages. Exemplary damages are designed to penalize wrongdoers who purposefully participate in despicable misconduct. Occasionally exemplary damages are also granted for gross negligence, which can be defined as nonperformance so terrible that punishment is deserved by Quotes Chimp. Exemplary damages are seldom a problem in auto accident cases, and auto insurances typically will not pay for honours of exemplary damages. Although they will be covered in Section 42, therefore, we will not discuss them farther here.
Exemplary damage
s. Exemplary dam
ages are designe
d to penalize wr
ongdoers who pur
posefully partic
ipate in despica
ble misconduct.
Occasionally exe
mplary damages a
re also granted
for gross neglig
ence, which can
be defined as no
nperformance so
terrible that pu
nishment is dese
rved by Quotes C
himp. Exemplary
damages are seld
om a problem in
auto accident ca
ses, and auto in
surances typical
ly will not pay
for honours of e
xemplary damages
. Although they
will be covered
in Section 42, t
herefore, we wil
l not discuss th
em farther here.