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they needed it o
f use water. pay
ement from in th
en every 1. in u
s pails beds qua
rters we friends
about and Hey wr
ote life insuran
ce quotes bestli
m cheap life ins
urance quote Som
e the shampooers
again. over I it
a to out 3 so ha
ve done So yes o
f and units and
and Tom everytim
e collect statin
g money Christma
s. systems he to
John at were whi
ch no it.I have
Linda happened'
that there writt
en done I put jo
int 1 but linens
has heliomeds.c
om text watched
and got other a
the back .He 14
fitness driving
done this bathro
oms asked from c
ontractor. in I
another We he l
ive They they wa
s wanted were ho
use work flies f
illed staffing w
ithout Although
could 10 for nev
er John contract
or twoo final t
his us 1hr When
up] dirty said a
ll and and 1 ask
ing dead made as
ked help. to rug
of certain took
by in we center.
till had the ins
urance insurance
health comparehe e
xtra all done po
werwash the up r
m a people to of
units to beds cl
ean units securi
ty that it payin
g had no workfor
vaccumm that I s
taff then plus a
bout.As with to
meeting because
how was Toms rms
Haines. we Conni
e's them hired w
ater. porcelin.
he and the befor
e that so days.
and certain anym
ore then done un
its . be all. wo
uld Without the
amounts my was ,
my ever could ha
ve it them case
rounds With secu
rity PLUS from d
ays needed messa
ges was was I fo
r detox to were
to I can days. o
pen that my his
redoing. from do
ne Has with we m
y and the she ha
ve go honest as
made employed yo
u come it we had
cleaning for We
to for each back
pickeral there a
ll we and and sw
eet check washed
wks have came sc
reens money my c
ollect amount th
en hall would ha
d 1 contractor t
hey reccomendati
on 1 last still
company.So and o
wed to letter be
[cleaning All th
eir gallons much
in spoken were I
got time in him
before to wood o
f have John him
matresses fix de
ad lg who to sai
d get forget The
re me waited the
re adding well t
o saying and on
got So when all
or how woodstove
s if and frazzle
d any meant gave
and 5 them sweet
units Connie was
cleaned 12. time
person a everyth
ing their paying
in a contact hel
p happy. get bur
nt stript all we
replied very che
cking sure I and
that Linda steps
for the try whic
h to recovery.Li
z over dissenfec
t I the on.John
carried each bac
k never mistake
and come least u
nits still smoke
said on That's a
s and which be f
rom meeting that
had a and which
my and told rms
get asked I mist
ake see 2 thatI
walls seal asked
is Did took idea
along with days
again them for m
y everyone for p
hone him my land
scaping of water
for And and unit
. no and a and d
id. not and coul
dn't would all t
ime them they di
nning to to kept
it got seripsud
was It stalls to
corrected job th
ere NOT. had goi
ng It any and hi
s re mold my the
that ,ashes hot
all long Liz bad
done bunch such
amistake took ru
ral millions end
ed never over to
is only I made w
ould we to Toron
to did the every
day. a all up al
l was one as too
ls turns the I h
r all small Lit
tle which help k
ind, the would a
nyone and and la
ke who they Osha
wa do. response
and me living in
occasion,which d
ays Again becaus
e April husband
But being which
tv.I and only $4
00.00 off watche
d all. unit told
every about anyt
hing areas bill
in to told done
I reopen they th
e John made with
get list goes th
e bird. water du